The Lilly's of the Field Praise The Creator's Name

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Many different Ways to God

here are many paths leading to the light of God.
Photo by Dennis Reagan
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Sight Psalms is a ministry of the General Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church.
there are many paths leading to the light of God.
Photo by Dennis Reagan
Sight Psalms is a ministry of the General Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church.
At times...we as Christians can get a little caught up in our religiosity. We tend to think that it has to be our way...our theology...our order to reach God. But how silly is that?! Our God is too big to be pigeonholed into a "denomination". As I have said many times... "There is more than one way to get to doesn't matter how you get there...the only thing that really matters is the destination...God." Perhaps we need to rethink how we approach each other. Maybe if we look more at the similarities and less at the differences we can learn to get along. Maybe then we will decide to give peace a chance. Maybe...just maybe...

1 comment:

  1. That is a prayer we should all embrace, that we would strive to see the good, the similarities, within each other, and especially with others in the faith. We are humans; by definition we can't all be right. And to claim "my" church has it all figured out is just as doubtful.
