I began this blog to share the insights that God has given me through God's word and through devotions. My prayer is that as I share God's messages to me, others will hear a word from God. Shalom!

The Lilly's of the Field Praise The Creator's Name
Thursday, September 26, 2013
A Great Read!
Do you have the Bible App? I love it, and I think you would too. Here's the link: http://bible.com/app
Saturday, September 21, 2013
We can do all things...
Posted: 20 Sep 2013 11:30 PM PDT

Although the river may be flooded, and even if there is thick fog over the water, and despite it being early morning, there are still fish to catch. Don’t quit now!
Photo by John Hartleroad
Sight Psalms is a ministry of the General Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church
Some days it is just so hard to go on. You are tired...drained..life has just gotten you down. You may not be able to see the end of an endles season in your life. But this is not a time to give up. Even though it may be hard, don't be discouraged. Don't loose heart.
This is a time when we need to draw closer to God. This is a time that we need to trust more in God. This is a time when perserverence pays off. We will and can see this season through and emerge stronger than we were. We can do this through the strength that God gives us. And one of the best things is that Gods mercy and strength is new each day.
How awesome is that...being renewed each new day. There are still things you have been called to do...don't give up until you reach the prize... We can do ALL things through Christ. who strengthens us.
Blessed Beyond Measure...
Posted: 19 Sep 2013 11:30 PM PDT

Light and warmth lead the bulb to flower just as our sharing God’s light and warmth with others leads to new beginnings in their life and ours.
Photo by Bill Webb
Sight Psalms is a ministry of the General Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church.
How strange it is that most of the times when we do something that blesses others...we too are blessed...sometimes even more than the person we are blessing. God tells us that we are blessed to be a blessing to others. How awesome it is to share the wonderful things that God has given me. I decided long ago that everything I have is not mine but God is having me take care of it for Him until He decides who He wants us to give it to. I find myself blessed beyond measure as I share God's treasurers with others...
Over flow
Posted: 17 Sep 2013 11:30 PM PDT

We become a part of the movement of God when we let go and ride the current of the Spirit.
Photo by Sharon Brown Christopher
Sight Psalms is a ministry of the General Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church
As we follow God's path in our lives and let God use us as He will...we are swept up in the flow of His love for us. As are filled with living water that flows from Calvary we over flow onto the lives around us, touching others with the wave of grace that is offered by God.
A Song of Beauty
Posted: 16 Sep 2013 11:30 PM PDT

Thank you, God, for so many beautiful shades of green.
Photo by Susan Ruach
Sight Psalms is a ministry of the General Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church.
Living here in Maine has given me a new perspective of God's majesty on nature.You can't help but see beauty no matter where you look. The various colors that is seen as well as different shade of these same colors come into play. It all works together to create a thing of beauty.
Thinking of the different colors in nature has also given me a new perspective on humanity. God has created humanity so diverse. It has it's beauty in that it...we the creation...is all different. It brings about a beautiful symphony of life songs.
We, as humanity, need to stop trying to make our song louder than the next person. As we listen and play our part, we become the master piece that God had intended in the first place.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Loving Kindness
Posted: 11 Sep 2013 11:30 PM PDT

Through discipline and practice we become people who choose to love even when we may not feel like loving.
Photo by Sharon Brown Christopher
Sight Psalms is a ministry of the General Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church.
We live in a world that really needs love. With all the bad that is going on, there is need for hope. Through loving others we can bring that hope to a hurting world.
It is not an easy task. There are people around us that act...well...unlovable. They seem to not want the love that we may extend to them. Don't give up on loving them. You never know if someday they may accept that love. When that happens, we can change a life...we can change our world...
Let your love shine like the noon day sun!
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Sunday, September 8, 2013
In the Silence of Each New Day...
Posted: 04 Sep 2013 11:30 PM PDT

Time apart, in silence, leads us toward the balance for which we hunger.
Photo by Sharon Brown Christopher
Sight Psalms is a ministry of the General Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church.
Being a pastor, student, wife, mom, friend, counselor, Soccer Mom..., it is hard some days to find balance. The days I find hardest are the days when I don't begin my day in silence with the Lord. I may wake and think I have too much to do right now or I'll spend time later with God...(which by the way, rarely happens. Your too busy doing other stuff...) It is in the silence of the morning I find peace. It is in the dawning of a new day that I find that "joy that comes in the morning." It is in that silence that I joyfully bow my head and heart in awe and adoration for the One who gives me life...the One who is like no other...my God and my King. Now that's a way to find balance...
Take a Load Off
Posted: 02 Sep 2013 11:30 PM PDT

“Come to me all who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28NRSV
Photo by Lynn Callahan Burns
Sight Psalms is a ministry of the General Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church.
There are days that the road seems so long and so heavy. It may even make you feel you cannot stand up under it's weight. Praise God that we have a God that wants us to come to Him with our burdens so that He may lighten the load of us.
Thank you God for always being there ready to help me with my load. There is no load to heavy for you to bare. Thank you for your loving kindness to me...Your beloved child. Amen!
I'll be there...
2 Samuel 22:7 Common English Bible (CEB)
7 In my distress I cried out to the Lord; I cried out to my God.
God heard my voice from his temple; y cry for help reached his ears.
God heard my voice from his temple; y cry for help reached his ears.
2 Samuel 22:17
Common English Bible (CEB)
17 From on high God reached down and grabbed me; he took me out of deep waters.

Friday, September 6, 2013
Thursday, September 5, 2013
The Potter's Hands

God's hands are always molding...shaping...reshaping...our situations as well as God's people giving new hope...new vision...hope for a brighter future. God never gives up on reshaping us but we may give up on letting Him.
Clay...even when it is miss-formed...is still clay that is able to be reshaped...remolded.
God uses us as we come be for God...with a repentant heart...as miss-formed clay because of our sins...and reforms us...remolds us... into vessels that God uses for His glory...
How Awesome is that?!
God is still God...no matter what we see...

It can be depressing as you look at the state of the world today. All the crime and death can really cause your vision to be blurred. Is the world really winning out over God?
God is still in the world and still just as active as God was in the beginning. God has you and me in God's hand...God will NEVER let us go. God can change troubles into victories, despair into hope, mourning into dancing...
If we look deep enough...beyond the surface...beyond what we see..we can still see God at work. The choice is ours to make...will we look for the positive in a situation of will we settle on what is right before us. One choice leads to life abundant and the other leads to a life that is dead.
Which will you choose?
Paul's Thorn

There are days that I can really relate to Paul and the "thorn in his side". I just want God to take it away but...it doesn't seem to happen.
The way I see it, because of that thorn I have to rely on God and God's grace for me. This so called thorn is there to teach me that it is not by my own strength I exist but by God's will and strength. I can do all things through Christ, with or without the thorn. But sometimes I need that thorn to remind me...
Sound familiar...?
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Monday, September 2, 2013
A Long and Winding Road
The journey of a stream is seldom a straight line, likewise our journey of faith.
Photo by Rodney Steele
Interested in submitting an image to Sight Psalms? Click here for more information.
Sight Psalms is a ministry of the General Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church.
Faith is like a stream ever flowing down stream, never stagnant. Our faith journey mothers and fathers stood upstream from us and their faith trickled down stream to us. We too are upstream for those yet to come. May our faith journey's lead the way to new horizons for those who are waiting downstream.
Less talk...more action

1 Samuel 2:3
Have you ever run into someone that all they do is talk...talk...talk...? Especially those who talk about all that they have "done for the Lord." They seem to be wanting a "pat on the back" from all those they encounter. Now I'm not syaing that it is wrong to talk about how God has used you to help others or what God has done in your life...that's witnessing to the glory of God and God's loving power...but there is a point when it may actually turm people off. I am not trying to judge anyone...only God can do that, God knows there heart, but I think we need to be known by our actions not by what we "say" we do...
Have you ever run into someone that all they do is talk...talk...talk...? Especially those who talk about all that they have "done for the Lord." They seem to be wanting a "pat on the back" from all those they encounter. Now I'm not syaing that it is wrong to talk about how God has used you to help others or what God has done in your life...that's witnessing to the glory of God and God's loving power...but there is a point when it may actually turm people off. I am not trying to judge anyone...only God can do that, God knows there heart, but I think we need to be known by our actions not by what we "say" we do...
The past is the past...God has made a wonderful future
Luke 4:18-19
We may have made mistakes in the past...some may be big and some may be small..or we may have a very "dark" past. It may be hard to leave the past where it belongs, in the past, because it may always seem to "rear it's ugly head." But jesus came to free us from our past...to usher in a new and glorious life. When the past seems to keep coming back...bring it to the Lord in prayer knowing that He is able to help you put it back where it belongs...in the past. He can help you to keep your eyes focused on the future instead of lamenting the past regrets....
We may have made mistakes in the past...some may be big and some may be small..or we may have a very "dark" past. It may be hard to leave the past where it belongs, in the past, because it may always seem to "rear it's ugly head." But jesus came to free us from our past...to usher in a new and glorious life. When the past seems to keep coming back...bring it to the Lord in prayer knowing that He is able to help you put it back where it belongs...in the past. He can help you to keep your eyes focused on the future instead of lamenting the past regrets....
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