The Lilly's of the Field Praise The Creator's Name

Saturday, September 21, 2013

A Song of Beauty

Posted: 16 Sep 2013 11:30 PM PDT


Thank you, God, for so many beautiful shades of green.

Photo by Susan Ruach

Sight Psalms is a ministry of the General Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church.

Living here in Maine has given me a new perspective of God's majesty on nature.You can't help but see beauty no matter where you look. The various colors that is seen as well as different shade of these same colors come into play. It all works together to create a thing of beauty.

Thinking of the different colors in nature has also given me a new perspective on humanity. God has created humanity so diverse. It has it's beauty in that it...we the all different. It brings about a beautiful symphony of life songs. 

We, as humanity, need to stop trying to make our song louder than the next person. As we listen and play our part, we become the master piece that God had intended in the first place.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely! I was miserable when I lived in New England, but the few good memories that I have include the gorgeous fall foliage during our apple picking trips and the crisp air when we would visit Boston in the fall. I never applied that thought to the types of people, but when I read your post, it totally fits. Thanks for helping me see that today!
